Papillomas on the labia: symptoms and treatment methods

Papillomas on the labia are a very sensitive problem that causes dissatisfaction with oneself and a decrease in the quality of sexual life. They are difficult to hide, they can cause discomfort during intercourse, so papillomas must be removed. In addition, in some cases, growths on the genitals in women can be a dangerous risk for the development of cancer.

Causes of papilloma formation

Papillomas on the labia or genital warts are the result of infection with the human papillomavirus. In total, there are more than 100 strains of this virus that differ in the type of neoplasm and the degree of risk of developing oncology.

The virus enters the body mainly through sexual contact, against the background of a decrease in immunity. At the same time, a man infected with a woman may not have visible signs of the presence of the virus, since papillomas in men do not always appear on the skin.

Against the background of recently transferred infectious diseases, vitamin deficiency or chronic stress, a decrease in immunity occurs. Papillomas on the labia can be caused by a decrease in local immunity as a result of various inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital organs, including thrush and bacterial vaginosis. At the same time, it is enough to use other people's personal hygiene products for infection, so that after a while unaesthetic growths appear on the labia.

Thus, despite the fact that the virus is transmitted from one person to another, the reasons for the appearance of papillomas on the labia in women are:

  • Decreased immunity after ARVI, pneumonia, flu or tonsillitis;
  • vaginal infections;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene;
  • stress;
  • malnutrition;
  • the presence of a chronic focus of infection in the body;
  • random sex.

All these factors lead to a decrease in both general and local immunity. As a result, the body becomes susceptible to various negative effects and cannot resist the human papillomavirus.

Quite often, the virus does not manifest itself, it is restrained by human immunity. This is true only if the person is completely healthy. Then the virus can be asymptomatic in the body for a long time. The formation of papillomas will occur against the background of a decrease in immunity. If this does not happen in the coming years, the body can cope with the virus on its own, but self-healing usually takes at least 18 months.

human papillomavirus, which causes papillomas on the labia

What do papillomas on the genitals look like?

How the infection in a woman's labia manifests itself depends on several factors:

  • type of virus;
  • the concentration of the virus in the body;
  • localization of growths.

The formation of papillomas on the labia minora is caused by the action of oncogenic or conditionally oncogenic strains of the virus (16, 18, 31, 32, 45 and other types). Knowing what a condyloma is, it is easy to understand what such papillomas on the labia look like. These are small papillae with jagged edges that rise above the surface of the mucous membrane. Usually they do not differ in color or are slightly lighter than the mucous membranes. Manifestations of the papilloma virus on the labia can spread to the perineum, vulva and vagina of a woman, triggering the development of genital warts.

Condylomas always form only on the mucous membranes. In women, papillomas do not appear on the inner lips, they are formed only in areas with thin epidermis.

Papillomas are small balls that rise above the skin on the legs. It has smooth edges of the correct shape, may be slightly lighter or darker than the rest of the skin. When pressed, the papillomas on the labia do not hurt, under the fingers feel the homogeneous nature of the growth. This type of neoplasm occurs in the inguinal folds and labia majora.

Almost all known methods are used to remove papillomas on the labia, since the risk of burns or deep damage to the epidermis is minimal. Treatment of papillomas on the labia minora is carried out comprehensively, since such growths are potentially dangerous.

Warts can occur in the following areas:

  • small labia;
  • vulva;
  • vagina;
  • cervix, cervix;
  • anal opening;
  • spoon;
  • urethra.

The photo of papillomas on the labia is no different from the images of growths in other parts of the body, papillomas or condylomas in the vagina and vagina are difficult to notice on their own.

The formation of papillomas on the labia during pregnancy is associated with a decrease in immunity. In this case, timely treatment of the consequences of HPV plays an important role, otherwise there is a risk of infection when the child passes through the birth canal.

papillomas on the labia

Why are papillomas dangerous?

Sexual contact in women and the human papillomavirus on the labia are directly related. Firstly, in contact with the affected mucosa, there is a risk of transmitting the virus to the sexual partner. Secondly, papillomas and condylomas, accompanied by pain with friction during intercourse, can be damaged. There is a risk of infection with the papilloma, but it becomes inflamed and can begin to develop into cancer.

There are cases when a woman has a large papilloma on her labia majora due to repeated injuries. No woman is insured against such a risk. Large growths are very dangerous and must be removed first.

Papilloma on the mucous membrane of the labia minora and vagina can lead to the development of cervical cancer. This is due to the activity of the papilloma virus, which is manifested by excessive division of epithelial cells in the labia minora and other parts of the mucous membrane. In this case, damage to the cells of the cervix develops in several stages. First, HPV-related erosion occurs on the labia, then it turns into dysplasia, which is a precancerous condition. Failure to treat dysplasia in a timely manner leads to the development of cervical cancer.

It should be understood that any papilloma on the mucous membrane of the labia is a potential danger. The papilloma itself can turn into cancer and not only provoke cervical oncology. Signs of malignant papilloma are an increase in the size of the growth, pain and itching, discharge from the body of the growth with an unpleasant odor, and darkening of the skin of the affected area. If you notice such symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible - an oncologist, gynecologist or dermatovenerologist.

Treatment and removal of papillomas

How to treat papillomas on the labia depends on their number and size. It is recommended not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor who will tell you in detail what you need to do to prevent the reappearance of papillomas on the labia.

It should be consistent to get rid of papillomas on the labia. First, the activity of the virus is suppressed, then the growth itself is removed and, if necessary, immunostimulating therapy is administered. To correctly determine the sequence of treatment, a PCR analysis must be passed, which shows the degree of activity and concentration of the virus, as well as allows you to determine its type.

If a woman is found to have a potentially dangerous type of virus, 16 or 18, complex treatment is needed. In this case, each removed papilloma is sent for histological analysis, and a complete examination of the cervix is carried out for changes in the epithelium.

How to remove papillomas on the labia depends on the exact location. Skin neoplasms are removed in any available way, from surgery to the ring. This is due to the fact that the skin of the labia majora is thick enough, so after its removal there are rarely complications. It is fair to say that the formations on the labia majora in most cases do not harm health and do not cause cancer.

Removal of genital warts on the mucous membranes is carried out by the method of laser exposure or radio wave. While these two methods are considered the most gentle, they do not clog the vessels that feed the growth, so the risk of bleeding is minimal. When removing neoplasms from the cervix or vagina, a histological analysis is necessary to exclude the onset of the pathological process.

Examination of the papilloma on the labia under the microscope

You should consult your doctor about how to remove papillomas on the labia. If the analysis showed a high concentration of the virus in the body, there is a risk of recurrence of genital warts, so complex therapy is carried out, including in three stages.

  1. After determining the type of virus, the woman is prescribed antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy. This is necessary in order to suppress the virus and minimize the risk of recurrence of papillomas.
  2. After an average of several weeks of drug therapy, the papillomas are removed using the method chosen and agreed with the doctor. Laser extraction or radio wave method is recommended.
  3. Some time after the growths have been removed, the analysis should be repeated. If the concentration of the virus is still high, a second course of drug therapy is prescribed.

Medicines to treat papillomas are available in the form of tablets and ointments. For the treatment of papillomas on the skin, antiviral ointments with immunomodulatory properties are recommended. If enlargement of the mucous membranes is observed, taking pills is indicated.

As a rule, after removal of papillomas and drug therapy, the body recovers on its own after a few months or years. To prevent the recurrence of papillomas, a woman should follow the rules of hygiene, maintain her own immunity and avoid unprotected sex.